Lagoonies Regatta 2024

Lagoonies Regatta: A Day of Sailing Fun and Competition

The annual Lagoonies Regatta took place on Saturday, June 1st, bringing together sailors for a day of exciting competition and camaraderie. The event kicked off with registration and a skippers’ briefing on Friday, May 31st, at 5 PM at Lagoonies. 


Together with Lagoonies Bistro and bar the SMYC organized this unique regatta. In this regatta teams sail in Sun Fast 20 boats, and rotate among the boats throughout the competition. This year, six Sun Fast 20 boats and twelve teams participated in the event, which consisted of twelve races: six in the morning and six in the afternoon. Each team had the opportunity to sail each boat once, ensuring a fair and exciting competition. 


On Saturday morning, competitors gathered at Lagoonies for coffee and sandwiches before heading out to the water. The races began around 9 AM, with six teams sailing the first race while the others spectated from the rotation boat. The morning weather was great for sailing with nice wind. After each race, teams rotated using a water taxi or by docking at the rotation boat. 


A delicious lunch was served at Lagoonies between 12 and 1 PM, allowing competitors to recharge before the afternoon races. After lunch, there was unfortunately little wind, but it increased again during the races. The remaining six races were completed successfully. 


The day concluded with all teams gathering at Lagoonies for drinks and the prize-giving at the Lagoonies restaurant.


The final results were as follows: 


  1. Team Frits 
  1. Team Chingonas 
  1. Team Ernst 
  1. Team Bernard 
  1. Team Brad 
  1. Team Robbie 
  1. Team Pierre 
  1. Team Stephane 
  1. Team Joris 
  1. Team Flynn 
  1. Team Tara 
  1. Team Stephan 


Thank you to all the teams for making this day so enjoyable. A special shout-out goes to Olivia from Lagoonies for her exceptional organization and hospitality. Also thanks to the volunteers, protest committee, and the entire Lagoonies team for their hard work.  


“Thank you to all sailors, volunteers and the Sint Maarten Yacht Club for making this event a great success” Olivia says “Also thank you to Budget Marine and Mount Gay Rum for the prize giving support” she continues.  


We look forward to celebrating the 10th edition of the Lagoonies Regatta next year, promising to be bigger and better! 


Results can be found on the SMYC website. Photos can be found at the Lagoonies Facebook and the SMYC website. 


Register for the next two events (open for Sunfast): Keelboat race day 4 and National Dinghy Championship: 





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